Spring is undoubtedly one of the best seasons. With the world coming alive through blooming flowers and trees waking up from a long slumber wearing a coat of green, we too don our pastels, florals and colors that celebrate the season’s arrival.
At Meadow we have put together a collection of items that is perfect to usher in spring. Whether you are looking for something amazing to wear for Easter brunch or simply a new colorful piece to add to your wardrobe, we have you covered.
This week we got so many new items in, and in so many colors to boot! Just take a look below at the multitude of adorable dresses, featuring patterns with flamingo, watermelon and even giraffe! (Did you know that Woodland park zoo is on giraffe baby watch? We are all eagerly anticipating the arrival of this 6 foot long adorable creature).
Besides the dresses there is an abundance of new tops that are perfect for the in-between weather and for layering under a cardigan. Speaking of cardigans - check out the bright, colorful ones we got from Cielo. They are soft, just the right length and pair beautifully with out new dresses. Can we say Easter outfit?
So make sure to drop by today to get your picks of what you love and get Easter ready with us! We’d love to help you find an outfit you love.
See you at Meadow!