Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues, and Earth Day 2021 will occur on Thursday, April 22—the holiday's 51st anniversary. The holiday is now a global celebration that’s sometimes extended into Earth Week, a full seven days of events focused on green living. The brainchild of Senator Gaylord Nelson and inspired by the protests of the 1960s, Earth Day began as a “national teach-in on the environment” and was held on April 22 to maximize the number of students that could be reached on university campuses. By raising public awareness of pollution, Nelson hoped to bring environmental causes into the national spotlight.
My Birth Day is Earth Day and I am so happy about that, you have no idea! Every year I throw on my favorite tee and hiking gear to head up to a secluded place in Nature. I have to say, that the past year has lead me there over and over again. When times were tough and I felt disconnected, I would venture into the woods on a hike and find comfort. I have so much gratitude for this beautiful Earth and we all should do our part to keep it into existence. It’s truly as simple as just planting a tree or some flowers so the earth can exude the colors of the season. What can you do this Earth Day to show love for our environment? All it takes is a conscious effort to make things happen and create change. Here are 10 simple ways:
Clean up a local beach.
Plant a garden at your home or school.
Scan your neighborhood for litter.
Sign an environmental action petition.
Start a conversation.
Help restore bird habitats.
Buy a reusable water bottle.
Plant a tree.
Clean vacant lots in the community.
Unplug and spend time outside.
So what’s new this week at Meadow Boutique that can put you in that Earth Day mood? We have lots of great t-shirts that you can add to your outdoor activities. and look effortless in whatever you decide to wear.
DOUBLE ZERO has many t-shirts this week in some fun colors. They will match right up with your back-to-nature gear so you can spend some time outside! Or your favorite jeans or shorts - you name it - t-shirts seem to be the only garment that actually goes with everything. We have some great colors to chose from, believe me. The jogger jumpsuit will tickle your fancy too.
HYFVE is another brand that has some interesting pieces. Some short dresses with a gather and tie at the waist. Theres a little black dress for the warm weather with short sleeves you can wear as a dress or a tunic. Such lovely tops that will welcome in Spring and Summer.
GILLI has a super cute floral romper that makes us feel like Spring all over.
We have many styles of JEANS and we are always getting more inventory. Don’t fret, because you can count on us to carry the most in style denim that you are seeing on Instagram and the media. We have designer styles with prices you can afford! Hey, and where are your SUNGLASSES? It’s funny to hear that Seattle sells more sunglasses per capita because the sun comes out, we buy sunglasses, the sun goes away and we have misplaced our sunglasses by the time it comes out again. So what do we do? We buy more! Meadow Boutique has many styles for only $12. You will see them in the photos below! So pick up a pair or 2, you can’t beat the price and they are UV protected.
OK, let’s get outside and enjoy the beautiful Spring days we have been blessed with recently. We look forward to seeing you out and about and stopping by Meadow. We can’t wait to connect with you, every chance we get. We are all in this together friends, so hold on tight, the ride is full of adventure in the months to come. Happy Earth Day! xoxoxoxo
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
—Margaret Mead
DOUBLE ZERO Tee $18 | CELLO Denim $54 | SCARF $21 | SUNGLASSES $12
DOUBLE ZERO Tee $18 | BBJ Denim $35 | TOP MODA Slip-ons $21 | HEADBANDS $8 | SUNGLASSES $12
DOUBLE ZERO Tee $18 | RISEN Denim $48 | TOP MODA Slip-ons $21 | SUNGLASSES $12
DOUBLE ZERO Tees $18 | TNR Denim $48 | DANCE Silver Tennies $38 | TNR Denim $48 | SUNGLASSES $12
DOUBLE ZERO Top $28 | NATURE Denim $45 | SODA Slides $24 | SUNGLASSES $12
DOUBLE ZERO Jumpsuit $34 | SCARF $21 | SUNGLASSES $12
HYFVE Dress/Tunic $32 | TNR Denim $48 | DANCE Silver Tennies $38 | SUNGLASSES $12
HYFVE Top $24 | NATURE Denim $45 | TOP MODA Slip-ons $21 | SUNGLASSES $12
HYFVE Dress $26 | SODA Slides $24 | SUNGLASSES $12
HYFVE Top $24 | RISEN Shorts $34 | SLIP-ONS $38 | SUNGLASSES $12
HYFVE Dress/Tunic $32 | NATURE Denim $45 | TOP MODA Slip-ons $21 | SUNGLASSES $12
HYFVE Top $21 | RISEN Shorts $34 | ANIMAL Print Slip-Ons $38 | SUNGLASSES $12
GILLI Romper $45 | TOP MODA Slip-ons $21 | HEADBAND $8 | SUNGLASSES $12