Autumn is just a few days away, so you will begin to notice a chill in the air. Trips to the pumpkin patch, leaf-peeping adventures, and fall movie nights are on the way, but like in recent years, summer temperatures aren’t in a rush to leave. We have had cooler temps but the sun just keeps shining through.
The first day of fall in 2021 is Wednesday, September 22, which coincides with the Autumn equinox—the date directly between the summer and winter solstices, when day and night are nearly equal lengths. But don’t expect temperatures to cool down by then; based on last year’s averages and this year’s lingering heat, most parts of the country probably won’t experience proper sweater weather until later in the season.
What’s new at Meadow Boutique this week?
We have lots more fashion to ring in the season. DOUBLE ZERO with many colors of sweaters, STACCATO with some joggers and a fuzzy shacket, LES AMIS with some nice floral tops and other Autumn hue tops, NEW IN has some interesting textured tops and a lovely cardigan and JODIFL has a really sweet looking shacket in navy. Come in and see for yourself. We have so many Fall pieces, it will make your head spin. And they just keep coming…….So many of you have been coming in with the excitement of being able to buy clothes again that you can go out and about in or head to work a couple of days a week. last years fashion has become a distant memory. It feels good to renew our wardrobes.
We hope that all of you are settling into this new season. However, with every season’s end comes a new beginning. A beautiful, blank slate. An opportunity to start fresh. Instead of longingly looking back at summer 2021, we are choosing to hold the positive feelings from those memories tight, but we are moving forward. Looking ahead to what’s to come. Knowing that the only constant in life truly is change.
If you struggle with the changing seasons (as some of us do), know that this is your chance to make a change. To start something new. To tell someone how you feel about them. To take a chance. Embrace endings, even though it can be sad. Say hello to new opportunities. Welcome everything, the good and the bad, with an open heart and mind. If you’ve been wanting to make a change in your life, take a cue from those leaves and consider doing it now. xoxoxoxo
“Because life is a circle- and nothing can truly grow unless it first dies…nothing stays the same forever- what comes next is often times better than we can even imagine. Because if we let it- life can truly begin all over again in the fall.” - Kate Rose for Elephant Journal
DOUBLE ZERO Sweater $38 | RISEN Denim $52 | JEN & CO Handbag $28 | BOOTS $58
DOUBLE ZERO Sweater $38 | RISEN Wide Leg $52 | JEN & CO Handbag $28
DOUBLE ZERO Sweater $38 | JEN & CO Handbag $28 | SODA Slip-ons $32
DOUBLE ZERO Sweater $32 | RISEN Wide Leg $52 | BOOTIES $35 | MASK $8
DOUBLE ZERO Sweater $32 | KAN CAN Denim $52 | JEN & CO Handbag $58
STACCATO Joggers $38 |DOUBLE ZERO Sweater $38 | JEN & CO Handbag $58
STACCATO Joggers $34 | GILLI Top $34 | JEN & CO Handbag $28
STACCATO Shacket $64 | SCARF $28 | JEN & CO Handbag $28
LES AMIS Top $32 | NATURE Denim $45
LES AMIS Top $38 | KAN CAN Denim $64
LES AMIS Top $32 | JEN & CO Handbag $52
LES AMIS Top $34 | NATURE Denim $45 | BOOTIES $35
LES AMIS Top $32 | NATURE Denim $45 | GLASSES $12
NEW IN Cardigan $42 | NEW IN Top $28 | BOOTS $58
JODIFL Shacket $58