Don’t you think most gifts come from our hearts? We think of our loved ones and find gifts during this season that will make them feel good, feel happy. Giving and receiving gifts at Christmas is one of the joys of the festive season. It’s a particularly exciting time for children. Most of us can remember the excitement and anticipation of coming downstairs early on Christmas morning to find stockings stuffed with Christmas treats and a pile of colorfully wrapped gifts under the Christmas tree. Christmas presents are a time to surprise and delight those we love. People enjoy finding that perfect gift. Once wrapped and delivered, the giver watches the recipient's happy face as he or she unwraps it.
Gift giving is part of the Christmas holiday. It’s easy to let yourself get carried away. Or feel guilty about the amount you spend. However, gift giving traditions keep the spirit of Christmas alive by ensuring your family gets heartfelt and meaningful gifts year after year. Christmas as a young family is such an amazing time and creates memories that last for a lifetime. After all, isn’t gathering around the tree with your kids opening presents you worked so hard for, what having kids is all about?!
Have you ever heard of the Four Gift Rule: something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read. Or Four Gift Plus Rule - something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read, something to do, something for me, and something for family. Makes it easier for the gift giver to decide. The four gift rules might help you this year! It certainly helps me. Whatever your way of figuring out gifts, we wish you an easy way to get everything you need.
What’s new this week at Meadow Boutique? We received lots of gloves this week. Perfect for to putting together sets with our scarves and beanies. Who doesn't need gloves, a scarf, and a beanie in these cold Winter months? We have a few tops in from CHERISH. Not much in this week, but the Boutique is full nonetheless. We received so many pieces this month, and now we are taking it a bit slower on shipments until the New Year.
We are here for you during these next holiday weeks. We hope we can help you find those special gifts you have been looking for. One for them, one for you! Isn’t that how gifts work? So much fun shopping at Meadow. We are experiencing the peace, love and joy that this holiday season will bestow on all of us. We have impeccable customer service here and we want to pass that down to our customers. So…please let us! Come in and let us help with your gifts, especially the ones from your heart! xoxoxoxo
“Christmas magic is silent. You don't hear it—you feel it. You know it. You believe it.” ~ Kevin Alan Milne
CHERISH Top $34 | HAMMER Denim $48 | JEN & CO Bag $28 | SCARF $14 | GLOVES $12
CHERISH Top $38 | HAMMER Denim $68 | BEAST Boots $64 | BEAST Boots $64 | SCARF $14 | GLOVES $12
CHERISH Top $52 | HAMMER Denim $52 | BEAST Boots $64 | SCARF $28
CC GLOVES $12 & $14 | SCARF $14