From setting up our fashion in the pop-up, to picture perfect hair in Wink, to coffee next door at Macrina Bakery, we are settling in! Meadow Boutique has set up shop and you all have been arriving to check us out. For that, we want to say thank you.
The vibe here is invigorating. Women helping women. It’s a site to behold. On Friday, there were a few women in the boutique, there were women getting their hair done and me trying to make sure all of our customers needs were met. We have one small dressing capsule, so taking turns is a must. The women were helping each other with their opinion on what they thought about a piece they had on. It was quite enjoyable to watch them interact and truly support each other with honesty and care. We really want the opinion of others sometimes, and it is such a confidence builder when another women tells you something looks good on you and means it!
You won’t be disappointed coming to our new little space. It’s quite cozy and it feels like a safe haven for all women to just hang out and get what they need. You’ll see when you come in, if you haven’t had a chance to stop by yet. It’s a bit more intimate and it gives us a chance to see you up close and personal. If you have stopped by to support us then thank you, thank you, thank you. We truly appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts.
This week, I took photos of just some of our new pieces. I am still trying to figure out where to get the best lightening, etc. inside the salon. We don’t have shoes so I am trying to find pieces to add to the photos. We have less items but still great ones. Give me some time, as I perfect the location where I will be taking the photos. Maybe next time I will put outfits on a mannequin to see how that works. Hang with me a minute, I will figure it out and get you the best ways to put together outfits so you can view the new items.
This week we have pieces from GILLI, LOVE TREE, KORI, JODIFL, LES AMIS, STACCATO, SNEAK PEEK, THE WORKSHOP and KAN CAN. From tops, to dresses, to blouses, to pants, to denim, there’s a little of everything but only 6 of each item. Come in, and check it out. It seems Shelley is always sneaking in pieces during the week that are not on the blog. We can’t wait to see you! You kind words and care are heart-warming.
We hope you have had an amazing February full of Love! Enjoy your Winter break with your kiddos. It sounds like Disneyland will be doing very well this year with many of you heading that way! xoxoxoxo
Our new Motto: “Get up. Dress up. Show up and Never give up!”
KORI Sweater $54 | KAN CAN Denim $72 | EARRINGS $18
JODIFL Dress $58 | JEN & CO Bag $32 | EARRINGS $18
LOVE TREE Top $32 | KAN CAN Skinny $68 | JEN & CO Bag $32
LOVE TREE Top $32 | SNEAK PEEK Denim $64 | BAG $30
STACCATO Top $35 | GILLI Pants $40 | BAG $26
STACCATO Top $35 | SNEAK PEEK Denim $68 | EARRINGS $18 | JEN & CO Bag $32
STACCATO Top $32 | KAN CAN Skinny $68 | BAG $52
KAN CAN Denim $62 | GILLI Bodysuit $32 | BAG $28
GILLI Top $35 | SNEAK PEEK Denim $68 | JEN & CO Bag $32 | SCARF $24
LES AMIS Top $35 | LOVE TREE Joggers $34 | JEN & CO Bag $32
THE WORKSHOP Tanks $28 | EARRINGS left-$18 right-$21
BLU PEPPER Dress $38 | BAG $32 | EARRINGS $21