Looking for stocking stuffers, or gifts for your office mates. We put together some themed gifts, with items priced under $25 dollars.
Keeping Warm
Stripe Blanket Scarf $21
Patterned Pom Hat $18
Plaid Gloves $14
The Foodies
Rifle Meal Plan $15
Illume Cider Woods Apple Candle $24
Ice Cream Orn $8
Tea Towel $8
The Rifle Lover
Rifle Large Notebook Set $14
Rifle Coasters $15
Rifle Pencils $12
Rifle Small Notebook Set $10
Under the Sea
Sea Salt Soap $7.50
Mermaid Pillow $20
Mermaid Orn $8
Nautical Coin Purse $10
Winter Wishes
Illume Pompom Candle $18
Sleigh Bell Box Candle $16
Winter Wish Candle $8
House Ornament $8
Soap and Paper Soap $8
Bird Watcher
Swan Ornament $8
Owl Trinket Dish $10
Feather Earrings $16
Bird Poster/ Paper $4.50