Saturday, November 26, 2022 is Small Business Saturday – a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities. This year, we know that small businesses need our support now more than ever as they navigate, retool and pivot from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Please join organizations across the country in supporting your local small businesses by shopping at a small business. The benefits? Most small businesses sell products that you can't get anywhere else — whether online or in person. Plus, it's a great way to both surprise your loved ones and support small business owners at the same time.
The dollars you spend on Small Business Saturday make a difference beyond retailers' doors. Small businesses create local jobs and pay local taxes, which keeps money circulating within communities. Small businesses can often have a hard time competing with mega-corporations and by recognizing how important small businesses are to the economy, you will be able to shift your spending.
Create Jobs – “If every American spent $64 on something made in America, we could create 200,000 jobs right now.”
Keep Money Local – Sales taxes help fund vital services in our communities. Also, local businesses are also more likely to spend money locally, keeping more money in the community.
Creates a Diverse Community – Shopping locally encourages people to businesses that are unique and an alternative to chain stores.
Better for the Environment – Many locally owned businesses also offer local products which require far less transportation.
Better Customer Service – Local business owners are passionate about their businesses and connected to the community. This often contributes to better and more personal customer service.
Helps Your Community Grow – Keeping tax dollars in your community and creating demand will help encourage new businesses and help your city grow.
More Support for Nonprofits – Studies show that nonprofits receive 250 percent more support from small businesses than larger businesses.
Connect with your Community – Shopping locally helps you connect with people in your community and learn about more things going on around you.
Encourage your friends and family to shop locally this year by sharing these ideas on this post. Consider supporting Small Business Saturday instead of Black Friday this year as well. It’s a great way to save money while supporting local businesses. It also gives you more time with family for Thanksgiving before going out shopping.
What’s new this week at Meadow Boutique?
REFLEX, HYFVE and HAILY & CO all have red pieces to chose from. Come on… will not turn you into an apple and most people look great in red. Get festive friends! Try adding some red to your wardrobe. Break out of the Seattle grays, blacks and beiges. CHERISH has some lovely green hues in their pieces in different styles. There is a new brand of denim in town called HAMMER COLLECTION and they specialize in denim that aims to make every woman feel comfortable and stylish! The washes are light, dark and black. SM WARDROBE has sweatshirts with cats and dogs galore. Perfect for the cat & dog lovers on your gift list. Super cute! There’s also festive sweatshirts with perfect words to get you in the spirit. MERRY! Don't forget to keep those tootsies warm during the holidays with our furry slippers for $32. You can find them when you walk in our door right under the Christmas table. Have a look below at all the new arrivals. We also have some furry, cozy slippers in this week too. We are stocked for Small Business Saturday and the upcoming holiday season!
When you come up for air after that Thanksgiving feast, we will be here for you and all of your gift needs. One for them, one for me……that’s how I shop. Tis the season to give in whatever way you see fit. We appreciate you and all the support you have given us this year. Shop Small on Saturday and support your local, small businesses in your community. We appreciate you for supporting Meadow all year long, so shopping with us on Saturday will be a bonus. We look forward to seeing you…..xoxoxoxo
Small businesses provide the feeling that a real person is behind it all, someone who cares more about giving us a quality product or service, over just taking our hard-earned dollars. – Annia Bukhman
REFLEX Sweatshirt $26 | HAMMER Denim $52 | BEAST Boots $64 | SCARF $14
HYFVE Flannel $35 | HAMMER Denim $52 | JEN & CO Bag $28 | BEAST Boots $64
HAILEY & CO Sweater $54 | HAMMER Denim $52 | NEST Flats $35
CHERISH Top $32 | HAMMER Denim $52 | FLATS $28 | JEN & CO Bag $28 | SCARF $28
CHERISH Top $30 | HAMMER Denim $52 | BEAST Boots $64 | SCASRF $14 | CC Beanie $16
CHERISH Top $30 | HAMMER Denim $48 | JEN & CO Bag $28 | SCARF $14
CHERISH Top $34 | HAMMER Denim $52 | BEAST Slip-ons $62 | JEN & CO Bag $28 | SCARF $14
CHERISH Top $38 | BAG $54 | BEAST Boots $64
CHERISH Top $32 | HAMMER Denim $48 | BEAST Boots $64 | SCARF $14
SM WARDROBE Cat Sweatshirts $52
SM WARDROBE Dog Sweatshirts $52
MERRY & BRIGHT Sweatshirts $52
MERRY Sweatshirts $52