We are almost there. Thanksgiving, the day we pause and give thanks and gratitude for all we have. You know, that thing we should really be doing all year long. Thanksgiving Day is also about gathering friends and family. It’s about eating a huge feast together, watching football and disagreeing about politics. Well, hopefully that last bit can be avoided. Just give yourself grace, play it safe and find creative ways to celebrate.
Thanksgiving comes once a year, and its the one time we are able to gather together with our family and friends and give thanks for having them in our lives. Why not add a few new ways to celebrate Thanksgiving to your holiday and get the most out of this time together? Finding meaningful ways to spend time together is what Thanksgiving is all about.
Traditions add the richness to the holidays. Whether you have a small family Thanksgiving, or a large gathering – these ideas will help give meaning to your Thanksgiving stories and will be passed down to generations. Here are the few ideas of what works for our family. Simple and easy ways to make the most out of your time together!
1. Family Walk - One of the favorite Thanksgiving family traditions is to take a family morning walk in the woods on Thanksgiving morning. You can use this time to collect greenery to decorate your home and to spend quality time with your loved ones.
2. Thanksgiving tree - Start collecting small turkeys to hang, Indian corn to attach to the branches, pumpkin ornaments, and tiny scarecrows are just some of the ideas you can use to decorate your tree. When it’s time to decorate for Christmas, all you have to do is change the ornaments.
3. Giving Back - Let Thanksgiving be the time where you decide as a family how you will give back to the world for your blessings. There are many people less fortunate and many others that collect food for a Thanksgiving dinner you can support for a family.
4. Sentimental Touches - Have your family and everyone at your feast sign the tablecloth that was at the table every year and date the signature. This becomes a great Thanksgiving tradition to do year after year!
5. Make something with pumpkin - There are so many different ideas to choose from; pumpkin dip, pumpkin scones, pumpkin donuts, pumpkin bread, pumpkin granola, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin bars, pumpkin ice cream, and pumpkin cookies are just some of the recipes you can try.
We are sure you will be busy this week getting ready for the festivities of Thanksgiving so let’s get right to what’s new this week at Meadow Boutique.
STACCATO, DOUBLE ZERO, GILLI and LOVE TREE are all labels with new pieces this week. AND THEN WHY with Christmas sweaters in red and green. Check out all the fabulous pieces below and come in or call to insure you get the the size you need. We also received more fun gloves and hats to add to your Fall outfit.
The words from us to you this week is THANK YOU! This Thanksgiving, we want to share our genuine appreciation with you. Without you, we would not be where we are today, and we’re so thankful for all of your support throughout the year. Thank you for being a wonderful and supportive customer at Meadow Boutique. We hope you have a joyous holiday and we look forward to seeing you soon for all your holiday needs. xoxoxoxo
“Thanksgiving is a joyous invitation to shower the world with love and gratitude.” ~Amy Leigh Mercer
AND THEN WHY Christmas Sweaters $64
LOVE TREE Shacket $38 | NATURE Denim $48 | BEAST Boots $64 | SCARF $14
DOUBLE ZERO Sweater $40 | NATURE Denim $48 | FLATS $28 | EAR Warmer $12
DOUBLE ZERO Sweater Dress $52 | BEAST Boots $64 | JEN & CO Bag $28 | SCARF $28
STACCATO Cardi $52 | BEAST Slip-ons $62 | JEN & CO Bag $28
STACCATO Top $35 | JBD Denim $78 | BEAST Boots $64 | CC Hat $21
STACCATO Vest $52 | VERVET Denim $52 | BEAST Boots $64 | SCARF $14
STACCATO Sweater $38 | CC HAT $21 | JEN & CO Bag $28
GILLI Cardi $52 | KAN CAN Denim $64 | JEN & CO Bag $28 | SCARF $14
GILLI Sweater $48 | JBD Denim $78 | BEAST Boots $64 | JEN & CO Bag $28 | SCARF $28
GILLI Cardi $58 | RISEN Denim $52 | BEAST Boots $64 | HAT $34
GILLI Dress $62| BEAST Boots $64 | CC Beanie $14