BRRRR - we skipped Fall, I think, and are feeling like we are in the throes of Winter. Are you prepared? At Meadow Boutique, we are definitely prepared and have all the necessities for the colder weather that is upon us. And the sun and the cold go together perfectly! I am happy the rain is not quite pouring on us yet. I’ll take sun any day. The blue sky, the cool air, makes the change in the season so much more welcoming.
So, what pieces do you need in your wardrobe right now? Scarves? Hats? Gloves? Sweaters? Coats? Jeans? Joggers? Sweats? Boots? Handbags? We have everything I just mentioned and more. We are a packed house with lots of fashion for the season! We also have so many Christmas gift items to behold too. Stop by and we will help you find exactly what you need for you and your gift giving, promise……..
What’s new this week at Meadow Boutique?
REFLEX is the leader this week with sweatshirts, sweat pants and light button up shackets. ADORA brings in a variety of colors for flannels. Love. Love. Love. NEW IN with joggers, a coat, sweaters and shackets. LOVE TREE with a beige coat and HAYDEN with a lovely Fall/Winter dress. Perfect colors. Check out the photos below and if you see something of interest, you better hop to it. As quickly as we get new stuff in every week, it flies out the door when the masses get wind of it! You can also call us and hold a size for 24 hours, just in case you are in the middle of shopping for your Thanksgiving feast and can’t get in right away. We are here to make sure you get what you need for all the festivities ahead. Let us help you make your busy life easier. We are so grateful that we can spend the special holidays with our family and friends this year. Not so long ago we were quarantined at home, dreaming about the days we are experiencing now. GRATEFUL!
We are grateful for all of you. We are lucky to see your smiling faces and share in all your stories of the preparations you are making for the holidays. We want you to know how much we appreciate you and your support throughout the year. We couldn’t do it without you. We are lucky to be in this magnificent fashion hot spot, Meadow Boutique! Grace us with your presence this Holiday season and lets ring in everything good and happy and peaceful. We are still in this together so I think that makes us more than acquaintances, it makes us friends. Stay happy and healthy through these sometimes stressful times. We will be happy to try to lighten your load…..xoxoxox
“Don’t wait until the fourth Thursday in November, to sit with family and friends to give thanks. Make every day a day of Thanksgiving.” – Charmaine J Forde
REFLEX Shacket $45 | NATURE Denim $48 | BEAST Boots $64 | SCARF $21
REFLEX Shacket $45 | REFLEX Crop Top $28 | CC Hat $21 | SCARF $14
REFLEX Shacket $34 | SCARF $26
REFLEX Hoodie $30 | KAN CAN Denim $58 | BEAST Boots $64 | CC Beanie $21
REFLEX Distress Hoodie $32 | JEN $ CO Bag $32 | BEAST Slip-ons $62
REFLEX Hoodies $30 | SCARVES $14
REFLEX Sweats $28
NEW IN Joggers $38 | NEW IN Coat $64 | BEAST BOOTS $64 | SCARF $32
NEW IN Sweater $35 | KAN CAN Denim $58 | JEN & CO Bag $28 | SCARF $14
NEW IN Joggers $38 | PAPER CRANE Top $32 | BEAST Boots $64 | SCARF $14
NEW IN Shacket $52 | KAN CAN Denim $58 | BEAST Boots $64 | CC Beanie $21
NEW IN Shacket $42 | JBD Denim $78 | JEN & CO Bag $28 | SCARF $14
NEW IN Jacket $42 | BEAST Boots $64 | JEN & CO Bag $28
ADORA Flannel $48 | BEAST Boots $64 | JEN & CO Bag $28 | CC Beanie $14
ADORA Flannel $45 | BEAST Slip-ons $62
ADORA Flannel $48 | KAN CAN Denim $58 | HAT $35
ADORA Flannel $45 | KAN CAN Denim $78 | BEAST Boots $64 | JEN $ CO Bag $42 |
HAYDEN Dress $62 | NEST Flats $38 | JEN & CO Bag $28
LOVE TREE Coat $52 | BEAST Boots $64 | JEN & CO Bag $28 | SCARF $28