I live in Capitol Hill and sometimes I feel like a ghost walking around there. Not many people look up and acknowledge you. Maybe because I am considered “old people.” It’s a sign of the times, I suppose. At my age, I am sad about that. Thankfully, I do remember better days when there was more smiling, more hellos and more respect for each other. Today my faith was restored in humanity. I can tell you, I needed it today. I had no idea how much I did until the day progressed into many little happenings.
I decided to wear red today. Red top and red pointed shoes. I felt powerful and ready to take on the world. I rarely wear red, like most of you. I work early on Wednesdays because I take photos for the blog. I packed my belongings and headed to my car. My car wouldn’t start and I was distressed because I just got a new battery. I called my insurance company to come give me a jump, fearing the worse, like it has to be my starter now. Arghhh. The lovely man came and took one look at my battery and told me the cables were loose and they needed to be tightened, which he did. No need for a jump, it started right up! OK, OK everything is good. He commented on my red outfit and told me red is a lucky color. I am dressed in red so things have got to start going my way, right?
Since my car is OK, I decide to stop at Starbucks to get my London Fog and Egg White Bites to reward me and my VW bug. The partners (workers) in Starbucks comment on my red shoes. It’s like people in Seattle are not accustomed to people wearing red. I’ll take the compliments. I get my London Fog and my egg white bites and I head to Meadow Boutique. I decide Red is Good! It’s my lucky day, things are a little bumpy, but everything is working out positively.
I parked my car on the street in Queen Anne, grabbed my belongings and started to walk to the boutique. I am in the middle of the intersection and I slip and take a fall, I mean a full fall, body down. Legs out from under me. Those d*** slippery red shoes, I am thinking. The ones everyone likes, the ones that made me feel like I could rule the world, yeah those! But guess what? A man turned the corner, saw me tumbling down, stopped his car and came out and helped me up get up. He made sure I was OK. Yeah, you heard me right. I wasn’t a ghost who fell in the middle of the road, I was a lady dressed in red and worth making sure I was all in one piece. I even managed to save my London Fog from spilling and my glasses from breaking. Priorities. I thanked him profusely and told him that these days no one ever stops and how much I appreciated him. I should have gotten his name and number. I would have sent him a thank you note. I left the scene with just a banged up knee. I went inside the boutique and cried. Not sure why - was it the day I was having so far? I think with all the happenings of my day, RED has truly saved me.
I SAY WEAR RED! Shelley and I always talk about the color RED in Meadow and how it doesn’t sell that well. There is something about it. RED is definitely one of my colors. Most people look good in Red and RED is the color for 2023! So, why aren’t more people wearing it? We don’t have RED in the shop yet, but we will and I challenge you to buy a piece. You will be noticed, especially in Seattle where everyone sticks to the basic colors of black, grey and beige. If your day goes bad and you are wearing RED, it won’t last for long! I promise you that!
What’s new at Meadow Boutique this week:
CIELO is back this season with all it’s great mock necks and cardigans in some luscious colors. No red yet…but it shall come! ZENANA in with a look-a-like short Dreamers sweater in a beautiful teal and a chunky beige knit sweater. ACTIVE USA with a animal print top with tie sleeves, cute right? It's perfect for petite women because it tends to run small. LOVE TREE is back again this year with a reversible jacket with lovely warm colors on both sides. DOUBLE ZERO in with a new color sweater and AEMIS & CO with some super cute bell bottoms! See for yourself below.
Hope your October is going well and life is settling in for the coming seasons. We miss you and want to see you, so please stop by and say hello. I am leaving at the end of November and I am disappointed I haven’t seen some of our old friends in a while. Why is that? We still have great fashion and new stuff every week. It’s smaller, yes, but so what. Just stop by and say Hello if anything and check out what we do have. Before you know it, we will be back in our old home on Crockett and 6th. Thanks for letting me share my RED story today. Hope you have an amazing RED day soon! xoxoxox
“Two things in the world are not meant to be hidden – love and your red shoes.”
~ Unknown
CIELO Mock Neck $30 | KAN CAN Denim $78 | Fanny Bag $30 | HAT $26 | EARRINGS $18
CIELO Mock Neck $30 | TNR Denim $62 | BAG $45
CIELO Mock Neck $30 | AEMI + CO Pants $52 | HAT $26 | COSMETIC Bag $24 | EARRINGS $18
CIELO Cardigan $42 | VERVET Denim $62 | FANNY Bag $52 | EARRINGS $14
CIELO Cardigan $52 | KAN CAN Denim $78 | BAG $58 | EARRINGS $18
CIELO Cardigan $42 | BEAST & CO Slip-ons $64 | EARRINGS $21
ZENANA Sweater $35 | PETRA 153 Denim $62 | EARRINGS $18
ZENANA Sweater $38 | KAN CAN Denim $62 | FANNY Bag $30 | EARRINGS $16
ACTIVE USA Top $28 | FANNY Bag $52 | EARRINGS $18 | SUNNIES (sale) $6
LOVE TREE Reversible Jacket $48 | JEN & CO Bag $32
DOUBLE ZERO $38 | VERVET Denim $52 | Fanny Bag $52 | EARRINGS $24
AEMI + CO Bell Bottoms $52 | ACTIVE USA Top $28 | FANNY Bag $52