October is here on Sunday. Really? Yes that is correct. Rainy days and Mondays always get me down. Isn’t that a song? Yes, by the Carpenters, that shows my age. LOL! You know how I feel about the rain. How many times have I told you in this blog? Too many, I know. Pretty soon, I will have everlasting sunshine. So I will do my best not to dwell on the rain. I know, I know, most Seattleites like the rain. For me, not so much. Wait, I guess I love it when I am home in my jammies, watching movies and eating bon bons.
Just so you all know, because some of you have asked. Shelley is not closing Meadow Boutique, and moving to Mexico. I am, Kathy! I am the one with the curly blonde hair, older, 65. I have worked for Shelley for 4 years. One week ago, we secured a 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo in a lovely neighborhood in Los Lomas, Mazatlan. It is a 5 minute walk to the beach and a 8 minute walk to the MAZATLAN letters on the boardwalk. The boardwalk travels along the beach for about 6 miles, which will be our walk every morning. You know, after our coffee on our deck.
Retirement - Wow I can’t really believe my husband and I are here. Somedays I don’t feel like I am old enough to retire and other days I do. It’s really a funny thing. Thank you for letting me share bits and pieces of this journey with you. I feel like I know you all well enough to share. After all, if you aren’t here yet, some day you will be and maybe you will remember the feelings of it that I shared. The hardest part is if you are a fashionista like I am - what I will chose to bring, I can’t bring everything. Arghhhh. One of my suitcases is packed is full of summer dresses. I will go through it again in December and see how I feel, and again discard. All of my winter clothes that I chose to save are in plastic crates and will be stored along with all of our incredible art. After all, I will come back to Seattle, and I will be cold after living in Mexico. So if you must know, I am in process of leaving and sorting and letting go. It’s just things, and things can be replaced. Not the art. It will make it’s way to us at some point.
One thing you can’t replace is Meadow Boutique, so yes, it will stay behind, with Shelley at the counter, greeting you and bringing you all the best fashion and prices on the hill. Meadow Boutique will move back to it’s bigger home on Crockett and & 6th and you will be so happy to see what she has in store for you. I wish I was going to be here for that. If there is one thing I can tell you about my last years of working, Meadow has totally rocked my world as much as all of you. Meeting you, getting to know you, your kids, your visiting guests, all of it. It means so much to me and Shelley values you all so much.
Please, please keep supporting her and Meadow Boutique. We need you……..
What’s new at Meadow Boutique this week:
All the colors of fall, that’s what! Come in and see for yourself. ZENANA, DOUBLE ZERO, GILLI and STACATTO are all some of our favorite styles and never to disappoint with their fashion forward styles and colors. INA, GREIGE, STRUT & BOLT are new brands with lovely pieces as well. VERVET denim is back in such a flattering style. We got it in 2 weeks ago and it sold out in 2 days. See the photos below, but remember, coming in and seeing with your eyes and touching with your hands will make al the difference!
Break out your umbrella, grab your favorite hot drink and stop by Meadow for a look around. I know we are not in a very big space right now, but keep in mind we will be! Everyday we get closer. There is work happening at our old space, so keep those positive vibes coming. We love that we can go back to our true home. We love that you support us, for what is it now, 13 years? Don’t stop now, the holidays are right around the corner and we will have something for everyone! Plus, I want to see as many of you as I can before my last day here at Meadow, November 29th. I need a hug, guys. Please let me always remember your smiling faces and the joy you have bestowed upon me. xoxoxoxox
ZENANA Top $28 | VERVET Denim $62 | FANNY Bag $30 | EARRINGS $16
ZENANA Cardi $38 | RISEN Denim $68 | EARRINGS $16 | HAT $26
DOUBLE ZERO Sweater $38 | TNR Denim $62 | FANNY Bag $52 | EARRINGS $18
DOUBLE ZERO Sweater $48 | VERVET Denim $62 | FANNY Bag $52 | EARRINGS $16
GILLI Jumpsuit $64 | JEN & CO Bag $32
GILLI Jumpsuit $54 | HAT $26 | EARRINGS $18
STACCATO Top $38 | VERVET Denim $62 | HAT $26 | EARRINGS $16
INA Top $34 | PETRA 153 Denim $62 | BEAST Slip-ons $64 | HAT $26
GREIGE Sweater $40 | DANIKA Cosmetic Bag $24 | EARRINGS $18
STRUT & BOLT Top $35 | DANIKA Cosmetic Bag $24 | EARRINGS $18