As I write this blog, I am sitting at the Meadow Boutique pop-up at Wink Hair Studio, sweating. The temperature is 87 degrees and it is quite warm. The fans are on high and my hair is blowing in the wind. I have popsicles on my mind! Jumping in a pool sounds good on a day like today! Where’s my floatie and my ice cold beverage?
Now I am going to say that we are certainly NOT SORRY for getting in only sweaters this week. There are dresses in transit, but they didn’t make it. Sweaters are what we have, and beautiful they are. Some are a little lighter than others in weight so they can be great transition pieces. It’s so hard to even begin to think about Fall and cooler weather. You might want to check out what we just got in, and try to think how quickly the Fall will be coming and how you will want some cute sweaters. They are sure to go fast when the chill of the evenings start.
Seems like it wasn’t long ago that I stored my sweaters away, knowing that they will be going into storage after December. I actually got rid of 7 bags of clothes. After Summer there will be more cleaning out, like my whole house……It’s a good time to clean out when the seasons change, and get rid of the pieces you haven’t worn this season. Or when you buy something for Fall, get rid of something you haven’t worn. It’s a good way to keep the wardrobe updated. There are so many places in the Seattle area that take donations, or if you have high end clothing, there are consignment shops as well. There’s nothing better than sharing with others the things you can’t use anymore and then buying new things for yourself! It’s a win, win!
What new sweaters do we have this week?
This week BLU PEPPER brings in the most stylish sweaters. You can view them right from our front window. They are on a rack right next to the mannequins! HEM & THREAD, LOVE TREE, DOUBLE ZERO, and E & M all have some great pieces for Fall fashion as well. We are fully stocked on earrings too that are quite unique! I really love all those rich colors that Fall always brings. Makes me feel warm and cozy all over. You have to do a little creative thinking to get there with our Summer temps, but you know how fun fashion is in the Fall/ Winter months. I will miss wearing all the Fall fashion, warm coats, soft scarves and hats. Mexico here I come......
With all the construction going in in this town, it has driven many of us to venture out to outlying areas to enjoy other activities. My friends always think it’s so far to drive to Seattle. Many of my them live in Snohomish, Bellevue and Redmond and we always drive there when invited and think nothing of it. My friends are missing out on Meadow Boutique because they won’t drive here. Silly! They always compliment me on my amazing clothes. They like the way I dress. I tell then about Meadow. “That’s so far,” they say. I just shake my head and tell them how much they are missing out. Not all my friends love fashion like I do. Just because we are all 65 now, doesn’t mean we can’t dress to impress! I will love fashion and the art of dressing until the day I die.
If you are in close proximity of Meadow, you are very lucky to be able to take advantage of such a fashion forward boutique with such spectacular prices. It doesn’t matter is you are 14 or 92, there is something for everyone. We even have a SALE rack that always has something marked down every week. There is also a $10 bin below the front table with lots of great finds. Don’t forget to check the sales out when you venture in. You will be glad you did! We are working on a way for you to leave a message or get a hold of us to hold or inquire about an item you see on the blog. Stay tuned, we will update you with a solution very soon!
We are certainly happy you have found Meadow Boutique, and support us, and come from miles around to shop! We value you and your support. We really can’t say it enough. So… buy those sweaters when you are ready. They will be here waiting. After all, it is almost the end of August. Cooler weather is on it’s way and we want you to be prepared and stylish! Next I will be talking about pumpkin lattes….no, not really! Stay cool my friends! xoxoxoxox
“Real style is never right or wrong. It’s a matter of being yourself on purpose.” ~ G. Bruce Boyer
BLU PEPPER Top $32 | BEAST Shoes $64 | SCARF $18 | EARRINGS $18
BLU PEPPER Sweater $42 | JEN & CO Bag $38 | EARRINGS $18
BLU PEPPER Sweater $34 | RISEN Denim $68 | BEAST Shoes $64 | SCARF $18
BLU PEPPER Sweater $48 | KAN CAN Denim $62 | EARRINGS $24 | SUNNIES $12
BLU PEPPER Sweater $38 | JEN & CO Bag $38 | EARRINGS $21
BLU PEPPER Sweater $45 | PETRA 153 Denim $62 | FANNY Bag $30 | EARRINGS $21
BLU PEPPER Shirt $32 | SNEAK PEEK Denim $64 | BEAST Sandals (low stock) $58 | SUNNIES $12
HEM & THREAD Sweater $35 | FANNY Bag $32 | EARRINGS $24
E & M Cardigan $38 | KAN CAN Denim $54 | Earrings $18| SUNNIES $12
LOVE TREE Flannel $32 | TNR Denim $62 | BEAST Sandals (low stock) $58
DOUBLE ZERO Vest $32 | BAG $45 | SUNNIES $12